ROLLER Boa-lined Coach Jacket

通常価格 ¥12,000 ¥-12,000円オフ

新作のボア付きフーディは、ゆったりとしたボックスシルエットに加え、肉厚ボアは真冬でも難なく過ごせる防寒性にすぐれた1着。Roller Ver.はプリントからボタンそしてボアに至るまで全てを黒に統一したオールブラック仕様。

The new boa-lined coach jacket features a loose box silhouette. The thick boa makes it a great piece for keeping you warm, even in the middle of winter. The Roller version is an all-black design, with everything from the print to the buttons and boa unified in black.

サイズチャート(cm) / Size Chart (cm)
  Size M Size L Size XL
着丈 / Length 74 76 78
身幅 / Width 65 67 69
肩幅 / Shoulder Width 54.5 56.5 58.5
袖丈 / Sleeve Length 65.5 67 68.5

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*Order is limited to one item per customer.
*Errors of 1-2 cm may occur due to fabric and individual differences.
*Shipment will begin on 9 January.


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