NO MERCY / The Best of Ripper Mag 2013-2023 Available Now

NO MERCY / The Best of Ripper Mag 2013-2023 Available Now

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The Best of Ripper Mag 2013-2023

The Best of Ripper Mag 2013-2023

Full Color 226P, Japanese/English


<RIPPER MAGAZINE10年の軌跡、2023 1031日に世界同時リリース!!>

To commemorate the tenth anniversary of Ripper Magazine, a special collector’s edition issue entitled “No Mercy” will be released this fall!!

Old School Choppers Only”という極めて偏狂な編集方針を掲げ、20137月に創刊したRIPPER MAGAZINEは、年2回のスローな刊行ペースで号を重ね、この夏創刊10周年を迎える運びとなった。沈みゆく泥舟と揶揄され久しい出版業界の片隅で10年サヴァイブできたのは、ひとえにChopperという異端の象形に魅せられた読者の皆様と広告主各位の弛まぬサポートがあったからこそ。心からの感謝を伝えると共に、創刊時に捻り上げた「斬捨御免」のモットーを、堅忍不抜の信念を持って貫き通すことを、ここに改めて表明したい。

現在編集部では、創刊10周年を記念したRIPPERのスペシャルイシューを鋭意製作中だ。すでに絶版となり久しいバックナンバーの中で特に再販の要望が強い号から、次世代のチョッパージョッキーに継承すべき特集を選出。同時にここでしか見られない撮り下ろしのカスタムバイクを織り交ぜコンパイルする所存。オールカラー全226ページの豪華装丁完全保存版。新たなチョッパーズバイブルの名は“NO MERCY”だ。RIPPER MAGAZINE10年の軌跡、2023 1031日に世界同時リリース。売り切れ御免!!

Ripper Magazine was established in July 2013 with the monomaniacal editorial policy of “Old School Choppers Only.” Over the past 10 years, we have slowly been accumulating issues at the rate of 2 per year, and this summer marks the 10th anniversary of our founding. In a small corner of the publishing industry that has been ridiculed as a “sinking ship,” we have survived for 10 years completely thanks to the support from our readers, a group mesmerized by the heretical symbol that is the chopper, and from each of our advertisers. We thank you all from the bottom of your hearts and would like to reiterate our firm and unwavering commitment to our motto of “kirisute gomen” (“no mercy”), which we came up with when we created the magazine.


Currently, our editorial department is in the process of preparing a special issue of Ripper to commemorate its 10th anniversary. So they can be passed on to the next generation of chopper jockeys, we selected features from the out-of-print back issues that have received a particularly large amount of requests for re-release. The special issue will also include a compilation of custom bike gems that can only be seen here. The name of this new chopper bible is “No Mercy.” It goes on sale at the end of October, so get excited!