【増刷分】ROLLER Magazine Vol.40 "The Second Printing Ver.
通常価格 ¥1,650 ¥-1,650円オフ【増刷分】ROLLER Magazine Vol.40 "The Second Printing Ver."
8月31日の発売当日に完売した”ROLLER MAGAZINE VOL40”ですが、大変多くの再販のご要望を鑑み、本日より一度きりの追加注文を承ります。初版と同様、表紙は写真界の巨匠・長濱 治氏が撮り下ろした長瀬智也さんですが、再販分は装いを変えモノクロプリント×銀箔のThe Second Printing Verとなります。初版のカラープリント×金箔とは異なる、よりソリッドなリミテッドイシューをご期待ください。(注:規定数に達し次第、オーダーは締め切らせていただきます)
Due to big demand for a reprint of ROLLER MAGAZINE VOL. 40, our milestone 10th anniversary issue that sold out on the day it was released, we will accept additional orders starting today, 30 August. Like the first print, the cover features Tomoya Nagase shot by the legendary photographer Osamu Nagahama, but the second print edition will be in monochrome with silver foil. It is a special edition different from the first edition in color with gold foil, so please look forward to it. (Orders will close once the limited number of copies runs out.)
突然のバンド脱退後、誰もが注目するメディアでの初仕事が、奇しくも創刊10周年を迎える本号だったのは単なる偶然かもしれない。しかし人生の岐路とも言える大きな決断から まだ半年に満たないタイミングで、変わらぬ笑顔と新たな愛機と共に真っ先に駆けつけてくれたのは、 創刊よりサポートしてくれた彼のROLLERに対する最大限のエールだろう。超の付く天邪鬼でありながら誰をも魅了する表現者。無類の二輪狂の「今」を、写真家・長濱 治が斬る!!
It so happens that the highly anticipated first media appearance of Tomoya Nagase after leaving his band is in our 10th anniversary issue. But maybe the act of coming to us first on his new bike with an unchanging smile less than six months after he made that big life-changing decision was the loudest cheer he could give us as a biker who supported us since our first issue. He is an exceptional rebel and a performer who captivates anyone. Photographer Osamu Nagahama shot the “now” of the one and only bike freak Tomoya Nagase!!
DUSTERS CUP 2021 / 北の地で行われる旧車の狂宴
Beach Drag / TT / Hillclimbと3種のレースを2日間で競うDUSTERS CUP。青森・三沢で開催される旧車乗りの狂宴が、去る6月26-27日に決行された。いまだ吹き荒ぶコロナ禍ゆえ昨年同様人数制限が課されたが、今季よりプライベートコースが拡張整備されTTレースのレイアウトが大幅に刷新。積もりに積もった鬱憤を振り払うかのごとく熾烈なデットヒートを展開したスピード狂たちは、オーディエンスを大いに盛り上げた!!
Dusters Cup is a 2-day event with 3 races - Beach Drag, TT and Hillclimb. The wild vintage biker party was held on 26 - 27 June in Misawa, Aomori. Due to the raging Covid-19 crisis, the number of people was restricted like last year, but the private course was expanded and the TT Race layout was greatly reformed. Speed freaks engaged in a fierce dead heat, as if letting out pent-up frustrations, which sent waves of excitement through the audience!!
AMCA Road Runner Chapter National Road Run 2021
今回のAMCAロードランはUtah最南部、Arizonaとの州境に位置する街Kanabを本拠に3日間徹底的に走るプログラムで、初日はBryce Canyonで2日目はZion、最終日のGrand Canyonと、米国屈指の名勝を巡るべく200名以上のBikerが集結した。
The program of this AMCA road run was 3 days of back-to-back riding starting in Kanab, a city in the southernmost part of Utah on the Arizona state line. We rode around America’s most scenic spots, Bryce Canyon on the first day, Zion on the second day and Grand Canyon on the last day, and over 200 bikers joined.