RIPPER Magazine / "No Mercy" Dotera Jacket

通常価格 ¥7,000 ¥-7,000円オフ

RIPPER Magazine / "No Mercy" Dotera Jacket <BLACK & YELLOW>

姉妹誌RIPPER MAG.の指針“斬捨御免”のロゴを生み出した奇才HOODOOMAN が練り上げた千社札をモチーフとするロゴ。新旧“斬捨御免”を刺繍したエクスクルーシブなドテラにニューカラーが登場!

The talented HOODOOMAN, who created the logo “斬捨御免=No Mercy” of our sister mag RIPPER, created artwork with the motif of Senjafuda paper slips hung in Japanese shrines.
The exclusive dotera with an old but new “斬捨御免=No Mercy” embroidery is now available in a new color!

"No Mercy" Dotera Jacket / Black & Yellow

デコトラフォントでお馴染みの斬捨御免ロゴが、奇才HOODOOMANにより刷新新作は千社札がモチーフ。軽量かつ保温性に富む中綿入りドテラは、冬場のガラージワークやアウトドアでも重宝する。サイズはL / XL

The “No Mercy” logo on the front is a new artwork by the talented HOODOOMAN inspired by “SENSHAFUDA” paper slips hung in Japanese shrines. The jacket is lightweight and warm with quilting, great for winter activities like working in your garage or outdoor. Available sizes L and XL. 

< Price : ¥7,000 >
< Color : Black >
< Size : L / XL >


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