WELLER Magazine Vol.7 / <2022.03.31 on sale>
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<2022.03.31 on sale>
WELLER Magazine Vol.7
Full Color 130P, Japanese/English
1.The Slammed Style
60年代に三菱自動車が放ったハイエンドスクーターSilver Pigeon。当時の三菱のフラッグシップ「Debonair(デボネア)」のデザイナーが手がけた流麗なボディと、他の追随を許さないユニークな豪華機能で日本のスクーターシーンを牽引した。
そんなSilver Pigeonをベースに大胆なローダウンモデファイを施した驚愕のスラムドスタイルが本邦初公開。完璧にリフレッシュされた車体だからこそ映える、前代未聞のスタイルはSilver Pigeonのスタイリングをより際立たせる。
The Silver Pigeon is a high-end scooter released by Mitsubishi in the 60s. It took over the Japanese scooter scene with an elegant body, work of the designer of Mitsubishi’s then-flagship model Debonair, and unique, luxurious performance that was unrivalled.
This bold lowdown Silver Pigeon custom in a stunning slammed style is the first of its kind in Japan. The unconventional style compliments Silver Pigeon’s styling, thanks to a perfectly restored body.
Check out the top-notch modification that shakes up the Japanese iron scooter custom scene.
Tokyo Genso is an artist renowned in the digital art world for his unique worldview and overwhelming artistic skills. Tokyo Genso, who has 180K Twitter followers, also happens to be a well-known Mod culture aficionado. In this issue, we feature a 150GS he has owned for many years and dive into the world of Tokyo Genso, a marriage of an overbearing presence of a full-chrome finish and a classic Mod style.
3.Re-creation & Originals / Large Vespa
P/PXに代表されるVespa人気シリーズのLarge Vespa。大柄なボディと完成されたメカニズムは普段使いからカスタムに至るまで幅広いScooteristを惹きつけてやまない。今回は究極のボディワークを経て、60sのGS風にカスタムしたPXを筆頭に、現在ポストヴィンテージとして人気を博す、70sの200 Rally/150 Sprint Veloce/125 GTRの3台をご紹介。
Large Vespa is a popular Vespa series represented by the P/PX. The large body and refined mechanisms attract all kinds of scooterists from everyday riders to custom fans. In this issue, we introduce a PX customized in 60s GS style with top-notch bodywork as well as 3 popular “post-vintage” models - a 70s 200 Rally, a 150 Sprint Veloce and a 125 GTR.
Lambretta SX200で冬の北海道へ。これまでSX200をはじめ、所有する4台のヴィンテージバイクで真冬の宗谷岬を走破した男が再び北の大地へ。厳冬期の北海道を走破するために仕上げた車両と、彼の地で挑む新たなる冒険。それはまだ序章に過ぎない。
Visit winter Hokkaido on a Lambretta SX200. One man who rode to Cape Soya in midwinter on the four vintage bikes he owns, including a SX200, sets out for the northern land again. His scooter was built to ride in harsh Hokkaido winters where new adventure awaits him. This is just a preview.
5.Small But Fun!
鎌倉の地でVespaフリークたちに支持されるスペシャルショップ「MotoVillage」。今回は同店が製作したユニークかつクリーンなSmall Vespa 3モデルをフィーチャー!
MotoVillage is a specialist shop in Kamakura popular with Vespa freaks. In this issue, we feature three unique and clean Small Vespa models built by the shop!
6.Iron Scooter Gathering
Saitama and Yamagata. In fall 2021, WELLER magazine went to shoot large-scale iron scooter meetings across the country. Meetings where many charismatic owners come together are a great source of inspiration for customs or fashion.
7.Rabbit 90 Hi-Super
ラビット3兄弟の末弟、90 Hi-Super。富士重工のスクーターの歴史を締めくくる1台は、近年再評価が始まっている。今回は東京のRabbit専門店、伊藤自動車に協力を仰ぎ、Hi-Superの特徴や日常使用における特有の弱点まで網羅する。
The 90 Hi-Super is the youngest of three Rabbit brothers. The model that concludes Fuji’s scooter history is being reevaluated in recent years. In this issue, we take a close look at Hi-Super’s characteristics or setbacks during everyday use, in collaboration with Tokyo-based Rabbit specialist shop Itou Jidousha.
And More!