
WELLER Magazine Vol.11 / Available Now
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WELLER Magazine Vol.11
Full Color 130P, Japanese/English
Momentary Seconds in GLEMSECK 101
/ Jesco Schmidt (S.I.P. Scootershop)
ドイツ・シュツットガルト郊外の公道を封鎖して開催される年に1度のドラッグレースGlemseck 101(グレムセック・ワンオーワン)。毎年数万人の観客を集め、今や欧州のカスタムビルダーやプライベーター、さらに二輪メーカーをも巻き込む盛り上がりを見せるイベントだ。昨年のイベントではVespaやLambrettaのドラッグマシンも登場。今回はそこに出場した2台のVespaにフォーカスする。
The Glemseck 101 is an annual drag race held in the suburbs of Stuttgart, Germany, on public roads that are closed for the event. It attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year, and its participants include European custom builders, amateurs, and even motorcycle manufacturers. At last year’s event, drag machines made from Vespas and Lambrettas took part, and in this feature, we focus on two of the Vespas that competed there.
The Milestone of Fuji Rabbit Series
Fuji Rabbit S101
日本において最もポピュラーな鉄スクーター、Fuji Rabbitシリーズ。卓越した設計思想と、実用性、そして耐久性を兼ね備えたRabbitは、その登場から半世紀以上経ったいまでも多くの有志たちによって受け継がれ、時に新たな修理方法が開発されながら生きながらえてきた。今回は日本のそんなFuji Rabbitシリーズの中でも、1950年代後半に誕生して黄金期への入り口を支えたマイルストーン的モデル“S 101”にフォーカスする。
The most popular iron scooters in Japan are the models from the Fuji Rabbit series. Rabbits have a combination of outstanding design, practicality, and durability, and in the half a century that has passed since their debut, they have survived by being passed down among enthusiasts and maintained in running condition thanks to the development of new repair methods. In this feature, we take a close look at a model from the Rabbit series released in the late 1950s, a milestone that carried the Rabbit into its golden age.
Playback The Quadrophenia
映画“Quadrophenia(邦題:さらば青春の光)”でDaveを演じたMark Wingett。Daveは主人公Jimmyの友人として重要な役どころであったことはご存知の通り。2023年秋、Markは東京へやってきた。それを出迎えたのは東京のMODSたち。彼のために急遽スクーターランが企画されて、束の間の交流と楽しんだ。
Mark Wingett played Dave in Quadrophenia. As you know, Dave plays an important role as the friend of Jimmy, the protagonist. In fall 2023, Mark visited Tokyo and was greeted by Tokyo’s mods, who quickly set up a scooter run and enjoyed spending a little time with him.
Iron Scooter Gathering / Omaezaki & Ishinomaki
鉄スクーターRun in 御前崎
The Iron Scooter Run in Omaezaki
静岡・御前崎で開催された「鉄スクーターRUN in御前崎」。
Over 100 scooters gathered in Omaezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, for Japan’s largest iron scooter gathering, the “Iron Scooter Run in Omaezaki.”
Ishinomaki Iron Scooter Meeting
In the fall of 2023, in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, the Ishinomaki Iron Scooter Meeting was held at Ishinomaki Minamihama Marina. The meeting featured here took place on a sunny fall day at a location along the Ishinomaki shoreline, and the participants hung out and went on a short run together.
Extreme Custom Lambretta with a Musical Influence
/ Lambretta GP “Breaking Rocks in the Hot Sun”
/ SIL Lambretta GP200 “Dream Stealer”
自身が持つ音楽へのほとばしる思いをスクーターへと投影する—。イギリスで生まれた独自のカスタムカルチャーについては、前号でもお届けしたばかり。その作り込みと作者の思いとは? そこをさらに深掘りすべく、イギリスのスクーターマグ“ScooterNova”のエディターを務めるAndyに、近年製作された中でもトップレベルのクオリティを誇る2台のLambrettaについて車両解説を依頼した。
Projecting an intense passion for music onto a scooter is a unique part of the customisation culture developed in the UK, which we covered in the previous issue. Now we dig deeper into how these models are made and what their creators have in mind. Andy Gillard, editor of the British scooter magazine ScooterNova, describes two of the top-quality Lambrettas of recent years.
Timeless Gems part.2
Vespa 50S
A Vespa for the Japanese Domestic Market
スクーターという乗り物がこの世に誕生してから70余年。各社の技術者たちは、時代ごとに人々の暮らしや世相を反映しながら、数々の傑作や意欲作を生み出し、世に問うてきた。そして、それらを当時の姿のまま後世に残すべく尽力するフリークたち。Timeless Gems. それは時代を超えて受け継がれてゆくべき技術遺産だ。今回は80年代から日本のマーケットに向けて販売されたVespa 50Sについて掘り下げる。
It has been 70 years since the birth of the scooter. Throughout that time, technicians at various manufacturers have produced ambitious models that reflected the lives and social conditions of the period in which they were produced. Thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, some of the machines have been preserved in their original condition. These timeless gems are technological heritage that should be passed down for generations to come. In this edition of “Timeless Gems,” we feature the Vespa 50S, a scooter targeted to the Japanese market whose production began in the 80s.
96th Asama Meeting
The Asama Meeting Glub is a members-only club that has been active in promoting the cultural status of motorcycles and scooters since the '70s. In this feature, we bring you the rare iron scooters that were present at the club's regular meeting in October 2023.
Royal Alloy / Evolution not revolution
古き良き時代の息吹を現代のテクノロジーで蘇らせること—。英国発祥の新興ブランドRoyal Alloyの動向については、これまで試乗記を含めてお伝えしてきたが、先ほど将来的なニューモデルに関する情報が英国から飛び込んできた。前号に引き続き、Royall Alloyのプレスを務める英国在住のジャーナリストのRikことRichard Bardsleyがレポートする。
Royal Alloy is an up-and-coming brand from the UK whose products combine the spirit of the good old days with modern technology. We previously reported on the operations at the brand, and we recently received word that there were new models being developed. Here, we continue our coverage of Royal Alloy with a report from Richard Bardsley (aka “Rik”), a journalist living in the US who does press for Royal Alloy.
And more!!