”4Q x CHALLENGER BRIGADE x ROLLER MGAZINE” collaboration bandana

”4Q x CHALLENGER BRIGADE x ROLLER MGAZINE” collaboration bandana

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先日、代官山蔦屋書店のイベント『ANTI NORMAL』でもご好評を頂いた4Q x CHALLENGER BRIGADE x ROLLER MGAZINEのトリプルコラボバンダナ。今回ご紹介するのは弊誌ROLLERの専用色の「Red」です。今から約10年ほど前に弊誌の特別付録としてCHALLENGER BRIGADEディレクターの田口 悟がデザインしたBlackのバンダナは、時を経てブランニューカラーをまとい蘇りました。本誌だけの特別カラーを是非ともゲットして頂ければ幸いです。



The 4Q x CHALLENGER BRIGADE x ROLLER MAGAZINE triple collab bandana was a great success at the recent ANTI NORMAL event in Daikanyama Tsutaya Books. The red color is exclusive to ROLLER Magazine. It is a brand new color of the black bandana designed by CHALLENGER BRIGADE’s director Satoru Taguchi that we featured as a gift with our magazine ten years ago. This is a rare chance to get your hands on the ROLLER-exclusive color.

**Purchase is limited to two bandanas per person.
**If you attempt to purchase more than three pieces, please note your order will be cancelled.

*We cannot accept order cancellations and returns.