DYE × RIPPER / Short Sleeve Shirt

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 DYEとRIPPERのコラボによる新作のタイダイTシャツ。昨年好評を頂いた染師 YUKI とのコラボ再演はV型をイメージするアバンギャルドな染めが特徴です。一点一点が手染めがゆえの少量限定販売。売切御免は悪しからず。

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Short sleeved T-shirts DYE’s creator Yuki tie-dyed individually by hand. Featuring the “No Mercy” logo on the left chest and RIPPER’s logo on the back. As our readers know, the logos were created by the genius HOODOOMAN.

*Because each T-shirt is hand-dyed, the pattern pictured is a sample.
*Shipment will begin on 6 July.
*Order is limited to one item per customer.