WELLER Magazine Vol.6 / on sale!
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2021.9.30 on sale
Vespa / Lambretta / Rabbitなどヴィンテージスクーターに特化した国内唯一の専門誌「WELLER Magazine」。日本はもちろん、海外のスクーター事情にまでフォーカスしてヴィンテージスクーターの魅力を掘り下げる「WELLER Magazine」の第6号が9月30日に発売!
WELLER Magazine is the only Japanese magazine focusing on vintage scooters - Vespa, Lambretta, Rabbit and more, reporting from both Japan and overseas. Our latest issue WELLER Vol.6 exploring the beauty of vintage scooters will be released on 30 September!
現行Lambretta V200 Specialのほか、Vespaも所有する生粋のScooterist、クレイジーケンバンドの横山剣。近頃はヴィンテージLambrettaへの興味も俄然高まっているという横山剣が憧れのヴィンテージモデルと対面。クールなグラビアとともに、改めてLambrettaへの想いを語る。2021年9月にリリースした初のカバーアルバム「好きなんだよ」についてのインタビューも掲載。
Ken Yokoyama from Crazy Ken Band is a true Scooterist who owns a modern Lambretta V200 Special and a Vespa. Recently, his interest in vintage Lambretta is growing, so we introduced him to the vintage model of his dreams. Accompanied by a cool gravure, we interviewed him about his feelings for Lambretta as well as his band’s first cover album Sukinandayo released this September.
<SIL Grand Prix 125>
Meet the gem built by a British specialist in this beautiful gravure.
<Two-Stroke Tuning>
A two-stroke engine is a simple but powerful mechanism that dramatically transforms when you tune it. This time we focus on top tuners and private builders in Japan, the precious machines they tuned to chase their dreams and the process behind it all. The feature includes a column packed with 2-stroke tuning knowhow.
<登場車両 / featured>
Lambretta SX200 / SIL GP200 / Bajaj / Vespa PX200 / Vespa ET3 / Vespa 50s
<T5 開発秘話 / The Making of the T5>
Vespaの歴史の中で、最もスポーティなマシンと知られるVespa T5 Pole Position。じつは、5ポートシリンダーを採用したパワフルなエンジンの設計には、ひとりの日本人のアイデアが盛り込まれていた。その誕生の背景とは—。
Vespa T5 Pole Position is the sportiest machine in Vespa’s history. It turns out that the design of its powerful engine with a 5-port cylinder is based on Japanese man’s ideas. We look behind the scenes of its creation.
<Fuji Rabbit S601>
Itou Jidousha continue their research of an engine overhaul for a S601 not relying on genuine parts. This feature dives into the entire process of the engine overhaul they put together in collaboration with an engine machine shop. It is a must-read for all S601 owners.
<Iron Scooter Lovers>
In this corner we introduce owners who enjoy the iron scooter life in their own way. This time we shot Scooterists from Fukuoka and Ehime.
・Andiamo Sui nostril fantastici scooter
・Carhartt :Scootering Tokyo
・MOTORISTS New Showroon